Lyndsay has this amazing ability to fix the oddest items around the house, with absolutely no training in say, the field of electronics, yet can make electronic items function when they wouldn't otherwise. This ability seems to work on just about any item, electronic or otherwise.
Back when we were dating, we were at my parents house and the faucet in the kitchen wasn't' working right. I believe several attempts were made by my folks to resolve the situation, but they had been unsuccessful. Enter the future daughter-in-law. She walks up to the faucet, fidgets with it for a few minutes, and what do you know, its fixed. We all got a good laugh about it, for we all knew that she had no prior knowledge of fixing faucets. Then a few weeks later, she fixes my dad's watch, once again without having much knowledge of watch-fixing.
Since we've been married she has continued her string of genius. Our bedroom TV/VCR combo has had a little trouble powering up since Xander destroyed it by hitting the power button repeatedly and in rapid succession. Yet Lyndsay somehow figured out that if you hit the power button and the eject button with a combination of Hail Maries and Our Father's the television will come on.
Just last night her attribute kicked in once again. Two night ago, I was laboring in vain to get Xander's CD working right. It seemed that no matter what disc I placed in the player, it kept giving an error message followed by a no CD signal. I tried different discs, powering it down, a combination of opening the lid...Etc. Last night we are getting the little man ready for bed, when all of a sudden his CD player starts playing his night time music and Lyndsay says, "I fixed the CD player." I said, "How?!" She says, "I'm not telling." Dang Nabit.
I'm so jealous. I should be able to fix the faucet, watch, TV and CD player. But for some strange reason she is able to fix them and in the case of the CD player, she is not even sure what she did. We agree, that she must exude some kind of magnetic field that fixes all things electronic, which would explain the aforementioned fixes as well as the items in our house that have magically fixed themselves (which is a another story for another time story). I just wish she would lay her hands on my DVD player.
I guess instead of being jealous, I should be happy and be proud of my own heroic tales, like rescuing the tooth paste cap out of the sink drain with my needle nose pliers (flex). But for now I still have to ask my wife if she'll turn on the TV for me.